martedì 7 gennaio 2020

"The First", a meditation on "Qadamawi" (English)

Praises be unto the King of kings Emperor Qadamawi Haile Selassie.

Qadamawi stands for “The First”.

Among the powerful ones of the Earth He has distinguished Himself for being unique.
He is the first model before all other models, a mold on which perfection was adapted by taking the shape of its margins.
First because complete, a circle capable of eternal extension but at the same time closed.
Well-ordered as the circularity of the blessings that flow and increase from person to person, day after day.
So often in fact, miracles are out there, sometimes man encounters them but sceptically rejects them.
The King of Kings has taught us not to miss the opportunities of this life because today is the time and tomorrow may be too late.
We must learn to read and know time to humbly be its masters.
We must become allies of Ian’I days of life in order to be strong and really see the value and pleasure of our existences. In doing so, Ian’I lives will be pleasing to the Creator, to Ian’Iselves, to all living beings and to Creation itself.
Ian’I was created in His own image and likeness to be custodians of that inner treasure which is the divine presence.
Ian’I potentially mirror the Creator here on this earth… Ian’I are therefore bearers of a 'likeness' just like father and children do.

The King is “The First” (Qadamawi) because he is the Christ, the Word, the Creator, the archetype, the ancient of the days, the brighter morning star, the new Adam who accomplishes the redemption making Creation new and renewed. He is “The First” because He is before anything else.

The miracle is that also Ian’ I was somehow made part of this election and primacy.
Indeed there is a part within each of Ian’I which is before anything else. It is a spiritual nucleus, which not only was present before anything else, but it also resides before all the rest.
It is the place before any emotion, action or reaction. Before thoughts, judgments and mental processes. Before any mistake and wrong choice, before the deception and above all before the pain.
It is the original divine presence in Ian’I, which stands before all.

Here is the miracle.

The Almighty who is “The First” dwells in Ian’ I as the first centre and axis of Ian’I person.
If Ian’I will find and cultivate this original nucleus will potentially become “first ones”, not in boasting or pride against our fellow brothers and sisters but first on our weaknesses, fears, limitations, laziness, narrow mindedness.  Ian’I will so realize that we were created to be greater than what we may think. Small and humble but capable of accomplishing works worthy of primacy.

Ian’I Rastafari trod along a straight and narrow road, many of Ian’I were gathered along the road to Damascus, others were called to be fishermen of souls instead of fishes.
Some dined with the King as the apostles did and others had Him beside but only later did they recognize Him.

It is all part of the plan.

The point is that we all have been called to seek “The First” within ourselves, to seek the original divine presence in order to regain our human presence.
Rastafari is a journey towards that “First”, the “Qadamawi essence”, the original "I", the greater I in whithin I, that place where divine and human are united and can remain inseparable for eternity.

Rastafari is the sound of that original “I” that makes the universe vibrate.

Rastafari is the path to the spiritual and divine reality that simply is. Not by chance, the Father revealed himself by saying: “I am who I am”.
“The First” dwells in the Father's house as He constantly is and exists and this House He fills it with the Spirit.
That is the Power of the Holy Trinity.

“The First” is the divine presence before each notion but at the same time it is the sum and synthesis of every notion. It is the original life.
It is the beginning before Ian’I, yet it is what makes Ian’I without beginning nor end.
It is Ian’I immortal part that really lives, that really is.

It is the place where the mystics of the earth meet and together rejoice for love or together fight against evil, it is there that there is no longer night and there is no error.
It is Ian’I salvation and cure, Ian’I greatest desire, Ian’I essence that makes us unique but at the same time equal.

The divine presence dwells in everyone.
When we recognize it then we abandon differences and structural barriers because we become one. This divine presence becomes Ian’I reference point, universal foundation and we continuously relate to it.
What miracle, what power is found in the divine presence that lives before all.

This divine presence is salvation always attainable, clear water to bathe in, safety in every test.
Before the ages, before the night and the light, before the strength and before the beauty of Creation, before the temples and the sacred books, before the rites and the prayers, before the activity and the quiet, before the sight and the senses, before order and disorder, before simplicity and complexity, before beginning and growth ... The First is.

He brings with Him eternity towards the First origin that will always be.